7110 Venoy Road, Garden City, MI 48135

Dental Blog

Gingivitis- treatment at gardencity


April 15, 2023

Gingivitis is the early stage of gum disease. Gum disease, also known as periodontal disease, is an infection of the tissues surrounding your teeth caused by plaque buildup. In its early stages, symptoms may include: gums that bleed easily red, swollen, tender gums bad breath Some factors that can put you at higher risk of

How fluoride helps to prevent tooth decay- treatment at gardencity

How fluoride helps to prevent tooth decay

March 30, 2023

Fluoride is often called nature’s cavity fighter, and for good reason. This naturally occurring mineral helps prevent tooth decay by making the surface of our teeth (known as tooth enamel) stronger and more resistant to cavities. How exactly does fluoride work? Cavities are caused by bacteria that live in our mouths. They feed on leftover

Diet and Dental Health Tips- treatment at gardencity

Diet and Dental Health Tips

March 15, 2023

Our body is a complex machine. The foods you choose and how often you eat them can affect your general health and the health of your teeth and gums, too. If you consume too many sugar-filled sodas, sweetened fruit drinks, or non-nutritious snacks, you could be at risk for tooth decay. Tooth decay is the

Wisdom Teeth- treatment at gardencity

Wisdom Teeth

February 28, 2023

With age comes wisdom. Specifically, wisdom teeth. Your mouth goes through many changes in your lifetime. One major dental milestone that usually takes place between the ages of 17 and 21 is the appearance of your third molars. Historically, these teeth have been called wisdom teeth because they come through at a more mature age.